Amanda Miller


Amanda is a member of the class of 2025 at Kenyon College and is from Columbus, Ohio. Although she arrived at Kenyon with an interest in studying English or French, her love for physics exponentially grew upon arrival, causing her to declare a physics major spring of her sophomore year. During the fall semester of her freshman year, she was introduced to the world of cosmology through Cosmo Lunch which subsequently led her to doing an independent study in Cosmo Lab that spring. She has been doing research there ever since. Currently, she is working on investigating a potential dark matter candidate with a version of GABE which uses the equation of motion from a DBI-like model.

When she manages to escape from Hayes, she can often be found drinking coffee, curled up with a good book, typing furiously on her laptop or taking long, aimless walks. Additionally, she’s secretary of the Kenyon SPS chapter for the year 2023 and a team leader for the Radio Optical Astronomy Research group (ROAR).