Allegra Fass


Allegra is part of the Class of 2021 at Kenyon College and is from Claremont, California. Despite being a die-hard theatre kid in high school, she has always been passionate about physics and joined the physics department in a whirlwind late add at the beginning of her freshman year. She began attending Cosmo lab meetings at the same time, and declared her major soon after. She started working in the lab the second semester of her sophomore year, with a Clare Boothe Luce scholarship for undergraduate women doing research in the physical sciences. She is currently creating a new version of GABE that uses spherical polar coordinates, that will be useful for studying compact objects.

Besides physics, Allegra is pursuing a minor in philosophy, and enjoys stage managing for the drama department. She also works in Admissions as a tour guide and and was a summer intern in 2018. She is a big fan of her cat (Mila), bullet journaling, and liberal arts colleges.