Reid Pfaltzgraff-Carlson


Reid Pfaltzgraff-Carlson is a member of the Kenyon College class of 2026 and became interested in physics after taking too many math classes for his own good in high school. He first encountered Tom on a prospective student tour where he was given a thermochromic pencil and a pin, and was destined to become a cosmologist after theorizing that dark matter was really puppies with Tom and his students during the summer 2022 STEM scholars program. Now, after joining CosmoLab in the summer of 2023, he divides his time between running simulations of gravitational waves in the early universe and developing a radiation fluid model for a curved spacetime to be used in simulations in the near future.

Besides physics, Reid is also studying mathematics and Arabic at Kenyon. He can be found in his free time playing or programming video games, playing squash, reading manga, or taking a photo of the latest insect to cross his path.